Communications (presentations, posters)
- Dror I., Z. Stepka, B. Berkowitz (2016) The effect of nanoparticles on sorption and suspension stability of technology critical elements in soil/sand solutions, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 12-16, San Francisco, Abstract B51A-0377, Poster presentation. download
- Guadagnini A., M. Riva, S. P. Neuman (2016) Analysis of flow and transport in Non-Gaussian heterogeneous formations using a Generalized Sub-Gaussian Model, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 12-16, San Francisco, Abstract H52B-08, Oral presentation.
- Libera A., F.P.J de Barros, M. Riva, A. Guadagnini (2016) Solute concentration at pumping well in a non-Gaussian aquifer under time-varying operational schedules, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Dec. 12-16, Abstract H31C-1372, Poster presentation. download
- Yecheskel Y., I. Dror, B. Berkowitz (2016) Silver nanoparticle transport and interactions in partially saturated sand and soil, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Dec. 12-16, San Francisco, Abstract H33P-07, Oral presentation.
- Bianchi Janetti E., M. Riva, L. Guadagnini, A. Guadagnini (2017) Global sensitivity analysis for the geostatistical characterization of a regional-scale sedimentary aquifer, European Geophysical Union General Assembly, Apr. 23-28, Vienna, Geophysical Research Abstracts 19, 12826, Poster presentation. download
- Bianchi Janetti E., M. Riva, L. Guadagnini, A. Guadagnini (2017) The effect of pore-scale geometry and wettability on two-phase relative permeabilities within elementary cells, European Geophysical Union General Assembly, Apr. 23-28, Vienna, Geophysical Research Abstracts 19, 12658, Oral presentation.
- Dror I., K. Ringering, Y. Yecheskel, B. Berkowitz (2017) Mobility of indium and gallium in groundwater systems: constraining the role of sorption in sand column experiments, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 11-15, New Orleans, Abstract B22B-03. Poster presentation.
- Goykhman N., I. Dror, B. Berkowitz (2017) Transport characteristics of the pharmaceutical oxaliplatin in natural soil, Goldschmidt Conference, Aug. 13-18, Paris, Poster presentation. download
- Guadagnini A., M. Riva, A. Dell’Oca (2017) Global sensitivity analysis of environmental systems via multiple indices based on statistical moments of model outputs, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 11-15, New Orleans, Abstract H21N-03, Oral presentation.
- Morgado R.G., M.D. Pavlaki, A.R.R. Silva, S.F. Gonçalves, S. Loureiro (2017) Toxicity of complex mixtures of emerging pollutants in groundwater systems, SETAC 27th Annual Meeting, Environmental Quality through transdisciplinary collaboration. May 7-11, Brussels, Poster presentation. download
- Riva, M., A. Dell’Oca, A. Guadagnini (2017) Mechanism of reduction of dispersion in stable density-driven flows in heterogeneous porous media, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 11-15, New Orleans, Abstract H31M-08, Oral presentation. download
- Rodríguez-Escales P., D. Fernandez-Garcia, J. Drechsel, A. Folch, X. Sanchez-Vila (2017) Enhancing emerging organic compound degradation: applying chaotic flow to managed aquifer recharge, European Geophysical Union General Assembly, Apr. 23-28, Vienna, Abstracts 19, 8427, Poster presentation.
- Sole-Mari G., D. Fernàndez-Garcia, P. Rodríguez-Escales, X. Sanchez-Vila. (2017) Modeling reactive transport involving complex kinetics via particle tracking, Interpore Conference, May 8-11, Rotterdam, Poster and short presentation.
- Sole-Mari G., D. Fernàndez-Garcia (2017) Locally adaptive methods for KDE-based random walk models of reactive transport in porous media, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 11-15, New Orleans, Abstracts H32D-06, Oral presentation.
- Riva M., Dell’Oca A., Guadagnini A. (2018) The Generalized Sub-Gaussian Model: Theory and Applications, FrontUQ2018, Quantification in Subsurface Environments, Pavia. Invited Oral presentation.
- Goykhman, N., I. Dror, B. Berkowitz (2018). Transport of oxaliplatin and carboplatin in natural soil-water environments, IAP (Interfaces Against Pollution) Conference, June 10-13, La Grande Motte, France, Oral presentation.
- Gumbau, S., X. Sanchez-Vila, D. Fernàndez Garcia (2018) Interpretation of a transport experiment with bimolecular reaction using a single-rate mass-transfer model with a temporally variable coefficient, European Geophysical Union General Assembly, Apr. 8-13, Vienna, Abstracts, 20, 14395., Poster Presentation.
- Kouhail, Y., K. Ringering, Y. Yecheskel, I. Dror, B. Berkowitz (2018). Mobility of Technology-Critical Elements in groundwater systems: Influence of citrate and humic substances on the transport of Indium and Gallium in saturated sand columns, European Geophysical Union General Assembly, Apr. 8-13, Vienna, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 20, 13299, Poster presentation
- Nath J., I. Dror, B. Berkowitz (2018) Potential uptake of nanoparticles by different plants, European Geophysical Union General Assembly, Apr. 8-13, Vienna, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 20, 10200, Oral presentation.
- Pavlaki M.D., J.B.F.C. Mousinho, A.R.R. Silva, S.F. Gonçalves, R.G. Morgado, S. Loureiro (2018) Assessing groundwater toxicity of emerging contaminant mixtures. SETAC 28th Annual Meeting, Responsible and Innovative Research for Environmental Quality. May 13-17, Rome, Italy, Poster presentation.
- Porta G., D. la Cecilia, F. Tang, M. Riva, F. Maggi (2018) Impact of mixing on biogeochemical networks of agrochemical biodegradation in variably saturated soils, Interpore 10th Annual meeting, May 14-17, New Orleans, USA, Oral presentation.
- Riva M., G Sole-Mari, D. Fernandez-Garcia, X. Sanchez-Vila, A. Guadagnini (2018) Implications of non-Gaussian heterogeneities on solute transport, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 10-14, Washington, Abstracts H22F-06, Oral presentation.
- Riva M., M. Siena (2018) Seawater intrusion in a randomly heterogeneous coastal aquifer under multiple pumping scenarios, European Geophysical Union General Assembly, April 8-13, Vienna, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 20, 17675, Oral presentation. download
- Sole-Mari G., D. Fernàndez-Garcia (2018) Locally optimal computation of complex reactions in RWPT, European Geophysical Union General Assembly, Apr. 8-13, Vienna, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 20, 8806, Poster presentation.
- Sole-Mari, G., Fernàndez-Garcia, D. (2018) Adaptive local kernels for lagrangian modeling of reactive transport. Computational Methods in Water Resources (CMWR) conference, Jun. 3-12, Saint-Malo, France, Oral presentation.
- Ceriotti G., A. Russian, D. Bolster, G. Porta (2019) Modeling solute transport in segregated porous media: Sensitivity-driven calibration of a new double continuum model, International Conference on Porous Media (Interpore), May 6-10, Valencia, Spain, Oral presentation. download
- Dror I., J. Nath, P. Landa, T. Vanek, B. Berkowitz (2019). Detection and characterization of nanoparticles in soil-water plant environments, European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Feb. 3-8, Pau, France, Oral presentation.
- Gonçalves S.F., M.D. Pavlaki, A.R.R. Silva, R.G. Morgado, S. Loureiro (2019) Toxicity of binary mixtures in Danio Rerio: a groundwater case-study. SETAC Europe 29th Annual meeting, One Environment. One Health. Sustainable Societies. May 26-29, Helsinki, Finland, Poster presentation.
- Goykhman N., I. Dror, B. Berkowitz (2019) Transport of platinum-based pharmaceuticals in soil, Goldschmidt 2019 Conference, Aug. 18-23, Barcelona, Oral presentation.
- Sole-Mari G., Bolster, D., Fernàndez-Garcia, D., & Sanchez-Vila (2019) Lagrangian Simulation of Reactive Transport: The Space-Time Adaptive Reaction Supports (STARS) Method, European Geophysical Union General Assembly, Apr. 7-21, Vienna, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 21, 16876, Oral presentation.
- Sole-Mari, G., Solute Transport in Generalized Sub-Gaussian Hydraulic Conductivity distributions (2019) European Geophysical Union General Assembly, Apr. 7-21, Vienna, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 21, 17813, Poster presentation.
- Sole-Mari, G., M.J. Schmidt, S.D. Pankavich, D.A. Benson (2019) Lagrangian Mass Transfer/Reaction Models: Is Probabilistic Mass Transfer Numerically Equivalent to SPH? International Conference on Porous Media (Interpore), May 6-10, Valencia, Spain, Poster and short presentation.
- Sole-Mari, G., D. Bolster, D. Fernàndez-Garcia, X. Sanchez-Vila (2019) A Lagrangian Model of Mixing-Limited Reactive Transport. International Conference on Porous Media (Interpore), May 6-10, Valencia, Spain, Oral presentation.
- Riva M. (2019) Sensitivity Analysis and Uncertainty Quantification in hydrogeology, Modelling, Workshop: Simulation and Risk Assessment for Fractured Geological Media, March 27- 28. Invited Oral Presentation.
- Guadagnini A., Russian A., Riva M., Russo E.R., Chiaramonte M. (2019) Quantification of Uncertainties of fracture permeability via mud loss information and inverse stochastic modeling, 81st EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Session Dynamic Reservoir.
National Communications (Presentations, posters)
- Ceriotti G., A. Guadagnini (2019) Geogenic arsenic in groundwaters: key mobilization mechanisms and source identification. Proceedings of the 40th Edition of Italian Conference on Integrated River Basin Management. Guardia Piemontese (Acquappesa, Prov. Cosenza), Italy, Oral Invited Presentation. download (in Italian)
- Yecheskel, Y., I. Dror, B. Berkowitz (2017) Silver nanoparticle transport and interactions in partially saturated sand and soil, Waterconf, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, Oral presentation.
- Pavlaki M.D. (2019) The use of zebrafish to address environmental (health) issues. Animal models of disease, 2nd Edition. 6th of March 2019, Aveiro, Portugal, Oral presentation.